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Feeds![]() Thelema Now Dr. Justin SledgeIn this episode of ThelemaNOW, Harper talks with one of the most effective educators in the current occultosphere, Dr. Justin Sledge. Dr. Sledge earned his undergraduate degree at Millsaps College then went for a DRS in religious studies (Western Esotericism and Related Currents) at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and a MA and PhD in philosophy at the University of Memphis. He is currently a part-time professor of philosophy and religion at several institutions in the Metro-Detroit area and a popular local educator. One half of Dr. Sledge’s work engages with Religious Studies specifically in the so-called “Western Esoteric Tradition” or Hermetic Tradition in religious and philosophical thought. In this line of research he seeks to grasps the philosophical commitments which underpin the alleged workings of magic, esoteric influence, spirit possession, alchemy, etc. This field of inquiry brings him primarily into contact with philosophers and intellectuals regrettably disregarded by the modern philosophic canon. The other half of his work engages in metaphysics, ethics and radial political philosophy. His popular Youtube channel “Esoterica” is his ongoing project of Dr. Sledge explores topics in Western Esotericism such as magic, mysticism, alchemy, kabbalah, hermetic philosophy, theosophy, and more. This interview is so full of fireworks, Harper needed a stiff beverage when it was over. She’d do it again in a heartbeat! Grimoire of Aleister Crowley on Red Wheel / Weiser BooksThe reissued version of Rodney Orpheus’ book Grimoire of Aleister Crowley is now available worldwide from Red Wheel / Weiser Books. You can buy it from Amazon and all good bookstores! Categories: Blogs, Other Web Sites
AII AII93s to what seem to be generally more advanced Thelemites than I. I was pleased to discover has the Student Oath and reading list with
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Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., NYC, Calendar of Events for May 2013 e.v.Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Tahuti Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, NYC MAY 2013 EV Calendar of Events + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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File - t93-lmmm.txt===================================================== ADMIN: Monthly Moderation Minder ... Do as you please. Thank you for your participation in Thelema93-L
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Re: Kill versus FillThelema Frater Jake, Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. ... Please tell me who AaaK was? Love is the Law, Love under Will. ALWays, Soror Binah
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Re: Kill versus FillTogether, they have a nice ring: Aum! let it fill me! [228] Aum! let it kill me! [219] FWIW by EQ11: fill 45: 45 & not & be A worm, a a scholar a foul
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Re: Kill versus FillThelema 93, Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. ... ways of thinking about the material and our relationships with it Thank you so much for
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Re: Kill versus Fillkill as opposed to fill likely involves AC's extreme & simplistic take on 'Buddhist' ego death; thence to other half baked stuff. Whether Thelema should
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Re: Kill versus Fill... funnily enough that's where I opened mine ... The pseudo-exegetical process involved in the change sounds dubious; not that I've ever been specially
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Re: Kill versus FillDwtw I think Fr. RIKB has accurately summarized the basic arguments pro and con. A couple of notes to add. It is true that the phrase in question reflects
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Re: Kill versus FillDo what thou wilt Shall be the whole of the Law. The problem here is that this particular line seems to be entirely of Crowley's own invention as a kind of
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Re: Kill versus Fill... I figure I'll stick with what I know works, i.e. "fill" - I feel no compulsion to change. Opinion subject to change if experience teaches otherwise. I
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Re: Kill versus Fill93, Leo! ... Let me see if I can briefly summarize the arguments on both sides. First, Crowley receives the Book of the Law, and at some point writes (in
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Kill versus FillDwtw I'm interested in hearing the opinions pro and con regarding the decision by the USGL of the OTO to change the wording of Liber CCXX verse 3:37 to say
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Re: The State of Thelema TodayRobert Furtkamp wrote: "Do the Work. Your Work. Don't speculate. Do. The universe will reveal itself to you." Most useful comment I've seen on this forum in
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Re: The State of Thelema Today... Separating the movement from the man is like trying to deal with Christianity without the apostles. It is what it is. ... I suppose it depends on what
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Re: The State of Thelema Todayrelevant link Dis of Hadean Press pointed out re a parallel conversation
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Re: The State of Thelema TodaySpeaking as a long time spokesman for a progressive and non-sectarian tendency in C20th Thelema, my thoughts are briefly as follows. Thelema is largely a
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Re: The State of Thelema Today ... now. I feel that because of the factors I outlined, the advent of the New Æon is behind schedule. There is a list of
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