
hermeticlibrary: RT @DankookJoseph: Spend no more than 30 minutes reading this: http://t.co/QWZr0lFo then pick one part and make a comment about it

Hermetic Library - Tue, 02/10/2012 - 17:55
hermeticlibrary: RT @DankookJoseph: Spend no more than 30 minutes reading this: http://t.co/QWZr0lFo then pick one part and make a comment about it
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: In Nomine Babalon, LXXXVI: http://t.co/ojh6UvdZ

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 22:00
hermeticlibrary: In Nomine Babalon, LXXXVI: http://t.co/ojh6UvdZ
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Precise_El: The Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America - Hakim Bey at http://t.co/U2F7CDkO http://t.co/FO5l85Rm

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 21:31
hermeticlibrary: RT @Precise_El: The Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America - Hakim Bey at http://t.co/U2F7CDkO http://t.co/FO5l85Rm
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @LilithsPriest: @hermeticlibrary already heard about the experiment. The interpretation caused a mental stack fault. Meta-meta-memetics?

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 20:11
hermeticlibrary: RT @LilithsPriest: @hermeticlibrary already heard about the experiment. The interpretation caused a mental stack fault. Meta-meta-memetics?
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: "tinfoil hat meme might be a false-flag operation engineered to trick the wily and suspicious" http://t.co/FF9xJkUK

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 19:48
hermeticlibrary: "tinfoil hat meme might be a false-flag operation engineered to trick the wily and suspicious" http://t.co/FF9xJkUK
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Banned Books Week 2012: http://t.co/L11A7ZWA

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 18:33
hermeticlibrary: Banned Books Week 2012: http://t.co/L11A7ZWA
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Hermetic Library Anthology Album deadline for Fall 2012 in two weeks: http://t.co/YlQwqy4I

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 18:04
hermeticlibrary: Hermetic Library Anthology Album deadline for Fall 2012 in two weeks: http://t.co/YlQwqy4I
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: And yet, there's this contrast: http://t.co/n2hLSRGZ RT @jgbell: "self-denial … unrelated benefit manifesting" http://t.co/r1mpX8us”

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 17:10
hermeticlibrary: And yet, there's this contrast: http://t.co/n2hLSRGZ RT @jgbell: "self-denial … unrelated benefit manifesting" http://t.co/r1mpX8us”
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @jgbell: "self-denial is apparently assumed to result in some completely unrelated benefit manifesting in a paranormal manner" http:/ ...

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 17:08
hermeticlibrary: RT @jgbell: "self-denial is apparently assumed to result in some completely unrelated benefit manifesting in a paranormal manner" http:/ ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @ThornCoyle: "I am content with the compassion of the Earth ~ And will abide in the places love creates ~ all the days of my life..." ...

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 17:06
hermeticlibrary: RT @ThornCoyle: "I am content with the compassion of the Earth ~ And will abide in the places love creates ~ all the days of my life..." ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Sigilhouse: "@hrmtc: thephysicalisanillusion: odditiesoflife: Georgian Eye Jewellery; 1790-1820 “ … http://t.co/CBiWeHDf" < Genui ...

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 17:04
hermeticlibrary: RT @Sigilhouse: "@hrmtc: thephysicalisanillusion: odditiesoflife: Georgian Eye Jewellery; 1790-1820 “ … http://t.co/CBiWeHDf" < Genui ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

File - t93-lmmm.txt

Thelema93-L - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 11:46
===================================================== ADMIN: Monthly Moderation Minder ... Do as you please. Thank you for your participation in Thelema93-L
Categories: Community

hermeticlibrary: RT @ThornCoyle: To continue our full moon celebration, here's a ditty from the handsome @Lonmiloduquette: http://t.co/Q00u4Wrn #shineonh ...

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 06:45
hermeticlibrary: RT @ThornCoyle: To continue our full moon celebration, here's a ditty from the handsome @Lonmiloduquette: http://t.co/Q00u4Wrn #shineonh ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @OccultGuide: What is the best esoteric bookstore in your city? Submit it to our worldwide map on Occult Guide: http://t.co/aMcUpcqc

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 05:39
hermeticlibrary: RT @OccultGuide: What is the best esoteric bookstore in your city? Submit it to our worldwide map on Occult Guide: http://t.co/aMcUpcqc
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: @Zhoupheus NP! Good to see another vibrant esoteric journal.

Hermetic Library - Mon, 01/10/2012 - 03:18
hermeticlibrary: @Zhoupheus NP! Good to see another vibrant esoteric journal.
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Zhoupheus: Zhoupheus: September Newsletter OUT NOW - http://t.co/0UXlMENT

Hermetic Library - Sun, 30/09/2012 - 23:06
hermeticlibrary: RT @Zhoupheus: Zhoupheus: September Newsletter OUT NOW - http://t.co/0UXlMENT
Categories: Community, Tweets

The Truth abrou Sacred Third Eye and the Onde-Eyed Gods in the World

Thelema93-L - Sun, 30/09/2012 - 22:36
http://otomarquivosetextos.blogspot.com.br/2012/09/the-true-about-sacred\ -third-eye-and-one.html
Categories: Community

hermeticlibrary: RT @occultofprsnlty: The Occult of Personality web site is back online! Your donations, posts spreading the word about the outage, and.. ...

Hermetic Library - Sun, 30/09/2012 - 21:54
hermeticlibrary: RT @occultofprsnlty: The Occult of Personality web site is back online! Your donations, posts spreading the word about the outage, and.. ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Just thinking to myself, "Self, maybe I need more canonical gnostic materials on the site." And then I realized how amusing that was …

Hermetic Library - Sun, 30/09/2012 - 19:37
hermeticlibrary: Just thinking to myself, "Self, maybe I need more canonical gnostic materials on the site." And then I realized how amusing that was …
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Precise_El: http://t.co/fCF77gEN http://t.co/SGR2Ccxi

Hermetic Library - Sun, 30/09/2012 - 19:28
hermeticlibrary: RT @Precise_El: http://t.co/fCF77gEN http://t.co/SGR2Ccxi
Categories: Community, Tweets
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