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Technicians of the SacredOfficial website for Michael Bertiaux / Courtney Willis, La Couleuvre Noire, Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua, Monastery of the Seven Rays, Technicians of the Sacred. Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua is a gnostic-magical order founded in 1921 in Haiti by Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine in the tradition of gnostic voudon, a synthesis of western hermetic tradition with Haitian magic. The Monastery of the Seven Rays works within the OTOA and both are linked to the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis. La Couleuvre Noire (founded in 1922) is an independent, but linked order dedicated to the practice of advanced techniques of gnostic voudon. The head or so-called Hierophant of the O.T.O.A. & L.C.N. is Tau Ogdoade-Orfeo IV - Michael Bertiaux, patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis. Today O.T.O.A. and L.C.N. work under the care of Sovereign Grand Master Absolute (SGMA) Courtney Willis and Sovereign Grand Master (SGM) David Beth.
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